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Meet Amber Sweet

Learn About Me

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My Bio

Who I Am

I am a 27 year-old, Mama of 1; I'm a full-time Administrative Assistant; I'm a daughter, a "wife," a sister, a friend. I am an outdoorsy person - especially in the summer. My family enjoys camping, fishing, boating, swimming, and other wise being outside. 


I am an aspiring writer who has lately been writing short scripts vs. novels. As someone who has always been afraid of people reading my deepest inner thoughts, it's time I invest in myself and put my words out there. 

Typing on Computer
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My Interests



Whether it's short stories, novels, or passages, this is my biggest passion. I'm a believer in using writing as a release and consider this to be one of my biggest coping skill.



If there is one thing I live by, it's that communication is key. Fights can be avoided when two people chose to talk.
I want to expand my knowledge on human relationships, and the way we interact.

Arts & Crafts


Call it my inner artist - I love to craft. 
Whether it's sitting down with a coloring book and nicely, sharpened pencil crayons, or pulling out the hot glue gun and pipe cleaner - once I get an idea, I often run with it!


Forever Learning

Being a parent is a day by day journey - but it's one of the best journeys I've taken. 
Being able to discuss and learn from other parents has been a huge support for me, and I hope to pass it along!

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The best advice I can give is one word: 

Amber Sweet

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Alberta, Canada

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