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Bun in the Oven!

Growing up believing in love and romance, I wanted that fairytale "I'm pregnant" moment. Would I say that's what I got? No. Would I go back and change it? Absolutely not.

The day I found out I was pregnant, I knew I was pregnant. Ever since I was in my teens and started getting a period, I had always been very aware and in tune with my body. Whether it was period related or not, I knew what my body was telling me. A tummy cramp was usually because I ate something I didn't like, or didn't eat anything at all. A migraine was usually caulked up to not drinking enough water. A mood swing meant period next week, and a little back ache meant my period in a couple days. I was also very, very regular with my periods since...always!

That day, I could feel all my "period things"; all those little aches and pains I feel when I'm on my period. The only difference was... I was late. 1-2 weeks but I couldn't be sure since coming off my birth control.

"Basically I think I need to go take a test," I told my best friend.

February 2018 I ran out of birth control. I took my last active pill and looked over at my "hubby" (then boyfriend; now fiancée). I knew I didn't have anymore refills at the pharmacy, and going to the doctor for a prescription refill was always such a pain in the ass.

"I'm out of birth control," I said to him. He was confused so I carried on. "And I don't have any refills. So, I either have to make an appointment or I come off birth control."

I was expecting hesitation, maybe a little hint of fear. But he said something along the lines of "well, just stop taking it then."

I stared at him and remember saying "that means I can get pregnant, you know that right?" Well, if "duh" had a look, it was on his face.

That was that. "If it happens, it happens."

I am so lucky - it was the end of May I got all these weird period-but-no-period-period-symptoms. I had a conversation with my co-worker about all these things I was feeling and she even asked, "could you be pregnant?" She let me go home that day. I went to the pharmacy and bought a test. I took the test, sat in the bathroom and waited. I took two tests - a pregnancy test and a weeks ovulation test. Both came back positive - 2-3 weeks pregnant.

Now, here's my not so fairytale moment... I exited the bathroom, leaving the two tests face up on the counter, and went to Dave. I told him that "I plugged the toilet and I tried to plunge it but I can't get it to go." *insert hysterical laughter* Well, Dave went to go unplug the toilet and saw the two tests. "So what does this mean?" he asks.

I'm pregnant!

And to be perfectly honest, his reaction was just as mediocre as this post is going to end. We hugged; I asked if he was nervous to which he replied no. And we continued on our day like any other - with a little extra cuddling.

So began our journey.


I want to end this on a post script to say that I felt it was very important to say "I am so lucky" to have gotten pregnant as quickly as I did, especially being a couple whose attitude was "if it happens, it happens." I cannot even come close to understanding the hardship of finding out you cannot get pregnant, cannot carry to term, or otherwise. My heart aches for you, and I recognize that this isn't an easy journey for all couples.

You are not alone and I hope for all the best to struggling couples.

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